Cliff Stapleton & Friends Present… The Tumbling of Creatures: Music For The Hurdy-Gurdy
I have chosen 12 unique musical tracks that have been recorded over a 30-year period with bands and theatre companies. The compositions, the order of tracks and the interplay with other artistes show a sense of story of my creative life with this remarkable and ancient instrument, the hurdy-gurdy.
Kicksy-Wicksy, Angles (2010)
3 Piece Suite, The Drones (1990)
Eglantine, The Man in The Brown Hat, Scottische Fran Havero, The Minah Bird, Blowzabella (1984)
Cherries, Angles (2010)
Gloryflower, The Drones (1990)
Huckle-Duckle, Primaeval (2006)
Blue Sausage Island, Biscuit Shuffle, The Duellists (1997)
The Labyrinth, Bron Bradshaw & Cliff Stapleton (2003)
We’ll Witness the Resurrection of Dead Butterflies (Three Moons), Cyclobe (2010)
Scent, Cliff Stapleton (2003)
The Tall Yellow Giant that climbs up high, Sylvia Hallett, Clive Bell & Cliff Stapleton (2014)
The Remote Viewer, Coil (2002)
- TITLE The Tumbling of Creatures: Music for the Hurdy-Gurdy
- RELEASE Woodbird (Wb001), 2016
- RUN TIME 53’ 27”