The Duellists – English Hurdy-Gurdy Music – CDs available

Category : General
Date : December 9, 2017

There is a limited supply of The Duellists CD album for sale on my Bandcamp site – This features original music by hurdy-gurdy players Nigel Eaton, Cliff Stapleton and the bagpiper Chris Walshaw.
This seminal album was released 20 years ago.

“Nothing gets me heart racing like the skirling cacophony of the hurdy-gurdy. The Duellists are a trio of Nigel Eaton (hurdy-gurdy), Cliff Stapleton (h-g), and Chris Walshaw (pipes). Together, they whip up a frenzy of new dance compositions based in English and French traditions. With Eaton and Stapleton having cut their teeth in Blowzabella, this is as exciting a treatment of hurdy-gurdy and droning pipes as you’ll find. Guest Ian Luff adds some cittern, as on the title track, making for more texture. A bewitching piece of work that never sacrifices melody…” Lee Blackstone, RootsWorld 1997